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E-Book of the Traditional Story of Tuvalu

 Tokalalagi mo Sina


As Vaelei Pouniu mentioned, "This story has always been spread orally by our elders. Some scholars have tried to write this story down, but I am unsure whether they succeeded. There are a few versions of it, and this is the one I learned in school for dramatizing the story in Tuvaluan and English."

Rewritten and translated by Vaelei Pouniu.
Narrated by Losa Vaelei.

Created by Ann Chang using the SIL Reading App Builder.

Tuvaluan 吐瓦魯語

吐瓦魯語(Tuvaluan)屬於南島語系的波里尼西亞語支(例如分佈在太平洋中部和南部的波利尼西亞群島的夏威夷語 Hawaiian、毛利語 Māori),主要在吐瓦魯群島內使用。吐瓦魯語的語法和句法與其他波里尼西亞語言相似,常使用前綴和後綴來表達不同的語法功能。其書寫系統使用拉丁字母進行書寫,共有20個字母(不包括Q、X和Z)。由於全球化和現代化的影響,吐瓦魯語面臨著一定的語言流失風險,但政府和民間組織正在努力保護和推廣這種語言。

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