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Toolbox, developed by SIL international, can be used to interlinearize texts, an effective way to build a lexicon and study the morphology of a language. In other words, with the function of【Jump paths】, Toolbox allows users to jump quickly to the lexicon entries for words and to insert new words, and with【interlinear processes】, users can easily breakdown of the word into morphemes (called a parse), a gloss of each morpheme, and sometimes a grammatical category for each morpheme (usually a part of speech).


Transcriber is a tool for annotating speech signals. Users can segment long duration speech recordings, transcribe them, and label speech turns, topic changes and acoustic conditions. As the following, we take Yami data from Yami Language Learning Center( for example to demonstrate the program.

Applying modern information technologies to audio documentation and conservation of endangered languages is now one of the most urgent missions in documentary linguistics. The purpose of this paper is to introduce how to apply a free website builder (e.g.,; and a file storage service such as Google Drive to create a free website for a language documentation. Take audiovisual supplementary material for The Teacher’s Grammar of Yami for example ( With (, I designed a free website ( to link the online audiovisual supplementary material The Teacher’s Grammar of Yami, which I created with the help of Lexique Pro, with a webpage format (.html format) and uploaded it to Google Drive.

Lexique Pro

Lexique Pro, developed by SIL in Mali, West Africa, is an interactive lexicon viewer and editor. Its main functions include hyperlinks between entries, category views, dictionary reversal, search, and export tools. Besides, it can read data from a Shoebox or Toolbox database. It can export the data to be with a dictionary and a set of web pages. Here we take a Yami text from to demonstrate how to use the program.

ELAN(EUDICO Linguistic Annotator)

ELAN (EUDICO Linguistic Annotator) is a multimedia annotation tool developed at the Max Planck Institute for Psycholinguistics. It allows users to create, edit, and visualize linguistic annotations attached to video and audio files; such information as users want to associate with a particular segment of time in the video. The annotations can be a free translation of a sentence, a word or morpheme gloss, a phonological feature, a comment about a grammatical structure or a cultural feature. ELAN can use a variety of different video file formats, including Windows Media Player, QuickTime JMF, (Java Media Framework) or Windows AVI and WMV files. The following example uses Yami data (.avi file) from the Yami Digital Archiving ( to demonstrate the usage of ELAN.

TextSTAT(Simple Text Analysis Tool)

TextSTAT is free software created by Matthias Hüning for the analysis of texts such as word frequency and concordances. It can read plain text files, HTML files, MS Word and OpenOffice files. The following example uses Bahasa Indonesia data (the narrative of the frog story) to demonstrate the usage of TextSTAT.



© 2023 by Ann Hui-huan Chang. 

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Institute of Linguistics

National Chung Cheng University

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